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15W-40 Diesel, Volvo/Mercruiser olje

SKU: 18-9553
From €29,- Read more
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VDS-3 godkjent diesel motorolje

SKU Name Liter Stock Price Quantity
15W-40 Diesel, Volvo/Mercruiser, quart 18-9553-2 15W-40 Diesel, Volvo/Mercruiser, quart 0.95 L
15W-40 Diesel, Volvo/Mercr. Gallon 18-9553-3 15W-40 Diesel, Volvo/Mercr. Gallon 3.78 L
15W-40 Diesel, Volvo/Mercr., 5 Gallon, 18,95 Liter 18-9553-5 15W-40 Diesel, Volvo/Mercr., 5 Gallon, 18,95 Liter 18.95 L

15W-40 Diesel motorolje, Oppfyller følgende krav: Volvo VDS-3, Cummins CES20078, CES2007, CES20076, Detroit Diesel DDC93D214, CAT ECF-2, ECF-1, Global DHD-1. Sertifisert til API Cl-4+. Oppfyller de høyeste standarder for marine diesel Motorer.

Godkjent til Volvo Penta dieselmotorer inklusiv D3/D4/D6
Mercruiser 1,7 TDI/4,2D

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